Wednesday 3 July 2013

Slug Eggs

 Slug Eggs

On Sunday Mum found some slug eggs in the garden and told me that if I looked under woodchips I might find some too. I picked up a stick and looked under it and there were slug eggs.  We wonder how long they will take to hatch out.         
Nathan 3.7.13


  1. Nathan, You are wonderful at bringing things into the classroom that feed our learning. How could you find out more about the reproduction and life-cycle of slugs? How long does it take for slug eggs to hatch & what conditions do they require? Ms Whitaker

  2. woo amazing Nathan look at this sent by blue

  3. Hi Nathan
    you should go on the computer and search up how long does it take for slugs eggs to hatch?
    from jack at waihola school.
