Our Writing


Hi my name is Garry and I pick up rubbish.   One day I was picking up rubbish in the dark at the park. I saw something running at me, it was a fox. It bit me! I ran back into my house and I got the phone. I called the pet patrol. Twenty minutes later they had put the fox to sleep and put him into a cage. They put him in the van. I’m never going to know what happened to the fox. I hope he doesn’t die.    

By Tamati     4/6/15

Dear Diary

The sound of yelling woke me up, it was coming from upstairs. There was fighting. I tried to find the captain but I couldn’t find him. He was asleep in his cabin. He said “go away!”. I said “but…”. “Quiet!” he shouted.

I went out of the captain’s cabin. I climbed the ropes to the crow’s nest. Then I saw land! I dropped the anchor and it went BOOM!
It was peaceful in this new land. I made a house in an area with lots of trees. I was happy in New Zealand.
By Max       27/3/15

Naughty monkey and the banana
In a jungle lived 20 noisy monkeys. One of them was a very naughty monkey. There was only 1 banana and 20 monkeys but then naughty monkey said “there’s lots more bananas on the other side of the jungle!”
Naughty monkey had lied so the other monkeys went to get the bananas. While the others were away naughty monkey ate the banana. The other monkeys came back after 3 hours with no bananas.
“We think you lied naughty monkey” they said, “we’re angry with you! We’re so angry!”. So they made naughty monkey go and get 19 bananas.
Naughty monkey felt sad because he had lied and he promised to never lie again.
The end
Moral: never lie to your friends.
By Jack

My Matariki legend
Tawhirimatea was so angry that Tanemahuta had separated his parents, Rangi the sky father and Papa the earth mother! He was so angry that he generated a hurricane ball! He through it hard at the ground, and it bounced so high it smashed into a big star, and shattered into seven pieces. The stars find it so painful that they can only shine bright once a year. After that time they retreat back deep into space. That is my story of Matariki.

15\06\15 By Harry L


In the beginning there was nothing except a twitch then Papa the earth mother and Rangi the sky father appeared. They loved each other so much they didn’t let go of each other. They had 7 children. Two of them were Tane the god of the forest and Tawhirimatea god of wind and storms. All the gods wanted to split their parents except Tawhirimatea. Tane didn’t listen to his brother and pushed his mum and dad apart. Tawhirimatea was so angry that he ripped out one of his eyes and threw it at Tane’s forehead. It shattered on impact into 7 pieces and flew up to the sky only to shine once a year.        
By Nathan

He roams and strikes his prey with a spear tip grin,
His body is lean and strong.
He has rough and tough fur,
He sprints through the forest like a bird in the air.
He’s a quick stealthy predator.
The colour of survival.

Harry. B

Saber tooth tiger
He lurks around in the tall grass lands, growling a ferocious growl.
His long fangs are as white as snow.
As soon as he spots his dinner, another tiger spots the winners prize.
A fight occurs faster than a cheetah
- scratching and biting, banging and fighting.
Finally the fight is over, the loser slinks away.
23.2.15 Tom     


  1. Hi can we get more writing time. Alex

  2. Hi Alex,
    Great to see you contributing to the Blog, even when you are home from school due to ill-health!
    There is nothing to stop you writing anywhere . . . anytime and you can share it via the Class Blog, for all to see. It means that you can go on contributing to our class and your own learning & development . . . no matter where you are. Awesome eh?

  3. Hi Ms Whitaker,
    I reckon you do an awesome job on the blog. I was wondering whether we, as a class, could go down to the library sometime?
    Bye, Holly.
