Last Friday Seth, Nathan, Harry and Poppy from Room 2
attended a community golf clinic run by the Otago Polytechnic and IGolf at
Chisholm Golf Club in Dunedin. Two professional golf instructors (including one
of Lydia Ko’s coaches!) gave the students a few tips.
They practiced their golf
swings and their putting skills. They learned about the different clubs and how
to hit underneath the ball so it flew higher into the air. They learnt how to
use ‘distance’ and ‘direction’ when putting. The afternoon was made even more
interesting with the presence of a camera crew who was filming the session for
Sky Sport! We are hoping to find out soon when the students will be TV so we
can all watch their moment of fame!
It was a really fun afternoon. Mrs Jackson was very
impressed with all four students. They were great ambassadors for Waihola
District School. Here are some of the
students’ highlights:
Nathan – hitting the balls really far and
breaking the tees!
Poppy – trying to hit the targets
Harry – trying to hit the targets
Seth – hitting really far
Seth under pressure from the camera man! |
Poppy giving it her best shot |
Harry aiming for the target |
Nathan practicing with the tennis balls |
Guy showing us how to swing properly - head down, feet still |
Listening to coach Guy - distance & direction is the key |
Seth showing great concentration |
Poppy showing them how its done! |
Harry aiming for a hole in one |
Nathan practicing his putting skills |
Our new golf 'pros' with their cars of the future! |
Hi nathan seth and harry it looks like your having fun playing golf probrbly you will be the best at golf now mabey some day we should have a challenge from Blue